October 6, 2023

What's a Travel Personal Assistant, and how can one assist with all your travel needs?

A travel personal assistant (PA) is a professional who helps travelers plan and execute their trips. From booking flights and accommodation to arranging activities and transportation, a travel PA can take care of all the details so that you can relax and enjoy your vacation.

Travel PAs are especially helpful for busy travelers who don't have the time or energy to plan their own trips. They can also be a valuable resource for travelers who are new to a destination or who have specific needs, such as dietary restrictions or accessibility requirements.

What can a travel PA do for you?

A travel PA can assist with all aspects of your trip, including:

  • Flights and accommodation: Travel PAs can book your flights, trains, buses, and other transportation arrangements. They can also help you find the best accommodation options for your needs and budget.
  • Activities and tours: Travel PAs can research and book activities and tours for you, such as sightseeing tours, museum visits, and restaurant reservations.
  • Transportation: Travel PAs can arrange transportation for you between the airport, your hotel, and your activities. They can also help you get around town using public transportation or rental cars.
  • Visas and passports: Travel PAs can help you with the visa and passport application process.
  • Travel insurance: Travel PAs can help you choose and purchase travel insurance.
  • Other travel needs: Travel PAs can also help with other travel needs, such as packing lists, currency exchange, and language translation.

How can a travel PA help you save time and money?

A travel PA can help you save time and money in a number of ways. First, they can save you the time and hassle of having to research and book all of your travel arrangements yourself. Second, they can often get you better deals on flights, accommodation, and activities than you would be able to get on your own. This is because they have relationships with travel suppliers and can negotiate on your behalf.

How can a travel PA help you create a personalised travel experience?

A travel PA can help you create a personalised travel experience by taking the time to understand your needs and interests. They can then tailor your itinerary to your specific requirements. For example, if you're interested in history, a travel PA can arrange for you to visit historical sites and museums. If you're a foodie, they can book reservations at the best restaurants in town.

How can a travel PA help you manage unexpected events?

Unexpected events are a part of travel. A good travel PA will be able to help you manage any unexpected events that may occur during your trip. For example, if your flight is cancelled, they will be able to rebook you on another flight. If you get sick, they will be able to help you find a doctor or hospital.

How to find a travel PA in New Zealand

There are a number of ways to find a travel PA in New Zealand. You can:

  • Ask for recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues.
  • Search online for travel PA companies or individuals ( hint hint...)
  • Contact your local travel agency.

Once you have found a few potential travel PAs, be sure to interview them to find the best fit for your needs. Ask them about their experience, qualifications, and pricing. You should also ask them about their availability and how they communicate with clients.

Tips for working with a travel PA

Here are a few tips for working with a travel PA:

  • Be clear about your needs and expectations. Be sure to communicate your travel plans, budget, and preferences to your travel PA in as much detail as possible.
  • Be flexible. Things don't always go according to plan when you're traveling. Be prepared to make changes to your itinerary if necessary.
  • Be appreciative. Travel PAs work hard to make sure that their clients have a great travel experience. Be sure to thank them for their hard work.


If you're looking for a more personalised and stress-free travel experience, consider employing  a travel PA from Reliable Solutions. Travel PAs can help with all aspects of your trip, from booking flights and accommodation to arranging activities and transportation. With a travel PA on your side, you can relax and enjoy your vacation knowing that everything is taken care of.

We serve the entire Hawkes Bay Area and Manawatu region

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